Discover New Learning Resources at the 2018 Education Summit @ Esri UC

We’ve been busy here at Esri, and we’re excited to share what we’ve been up to. Highlights include the following:

  • Esri’s MOOC Program—This year we’re launching Cartography., a new massive open online course (MOOC) focused on authoring beautiful and effective information products in ArcGIS Pro. Register for the first offering of this course, which will run from April 18 to May 29, 2018.
  • New GIS Capabilities and Products—Learn about new capabilities in ArcGIS technology, including interactive data exploration, distributed computing for big data, and real-time data streams.
  • Esri’s Training Site—Find out about new learning resources that support GIS users of all ages and career stages. Hundreds of e-Learning and instructor-led resources provide interactive instruction and hands-on practice with ArcGIS apps. Discover web courses, videos, MOOCs, tutorials, educational story maps, popular teacher resources, and more.
  • Esri’s Learn ArcGIS Site—Explore our updated guided lessons for solving real-world problems, using the latest software products and best practices.
  • New Esri Press Titles—New materials will be available for your courses later this year, including Getting to Know ArcGIS Desktop, Getting to Know Web GIS, and Introduction to Human Geography as well as updated editions of Getting to Know ArcGIS Desktop and Getting to Know Web GIS, Third Edition.
  • GeoInquiries for K–12 Teachers—We have created three new sets of GeoInquiries for educators in the following subjects: math, American literature, and world history.

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